(Cisco 200-125)思科CCNA R&S需要學習哪些課程?考試需要注意哪些問題?

十月 5, 2018 by
Filed under: CCNA, Cisco 

Cisco 200-125)思科CCNA R&S需要學習哪些課程?考試需要注意哪些問題?

當下,不少人在未來的職業規劃中都選擇了考思科認證,其中很大一部分人因為自己對IT行業的了解並不深,所以為了穩妥起見,都選擇了報培訓班來學習。那麼,一般的培訓機構都會安排哪些CCNA R&S的培訓課程呢?如果真上了考場,考試方面又有哪些是需要特別注意的?

1、CCNA R&S需要學習的課程:








單單學習理論知識顯然是不足的。所以,除了上述CCNA R&S課程之外,自然還得掌握一定的操作技能。

2、CCNA R&S需要掌握的操作技能:





5)、通過Cisco IOS命令和常用網管軟件分析、解決網絡故障;


3、CCNA R&S認證的意義

CCNA R&S認證標誌著獲得者俱備安裝、配置、運行中型路由和交換網絡,並進行故障排除的能力。獲得CCNA R&S認證的專業人士擁有相應的知識和技能,能夠通過廣域網與遠程站點建立連接,消除基本的安全威脅。



5、如何參加CCNA R&S考試?


(Cisco 200-125) What Courses Does Cisco CCNA R&S Need to Learn? What questions need to pay attention to the exam?

At present, many people have chosen Caucus certification in their future career plans. A large part of them have not learned enough about the IT industry. Therefore, for the sake of safety, they have chosen to report training courses. So what CCNA R&S training courses do the general training institutions arrange? If it is really in the examination room, which of the exams need special attention?

1. Courses that CCNA R&S need to study:

1) Wide area network design ideas and principles;

2) OSI seven-layer model;

3) VLSM (variable length subnet mask);

4) Use Cisco software to configure the IP addresses of various routers and switch devices in a WAN environment;

5) Password recovery and IOS update for Cisco routers and switches;

6) Connect Cisco switches and routers according to a given network design specification;

7) Configure the routing protocols supported by the router, such as RIP, ELGRP, and OSPF.

It is obviously insufficient to learn theoretical knowledge alone. Therefore, in addition to the above CCNA R&S courses, it is natural to have certain operational skills.

2. CCNA R&S needs to master the operating skills:

1) Configure the switch to implement VLAN configuration and interconnection between thousands of hosts;

2) Configure an access list to implement security control, filter network traffic, and control access to devices or network segments;

3) Configure WAN lines;

4) Verify the network protocols configured by Cisco routers and switches;

5) Analyze and solve network faults through Cisco IOS commands and commonly used network management software;

6) NAT address forwarding.

3. the significance of CCNA R&S certification

The CCNA R&S certification marks the acquirer’s ability to install, configure, and run medium-sized routing and switching networks and to troubleshoot. CCNA R&S certified professionals have the knowledge and skills to establish connections with remote sites over the WAN and eliminate basic security threats.

4. CCNA training includes the use of the following protocols:

TCP/IP, EIGRP, serial line interface protocol, RIPv2, VLAN, STP spanning tree, Ethernet technology, and Access Control List (ACL).

5. How to participate in CCNA R&S exam?

Log in to Cisco’s official website to register for the exam.

ITtestshare also list many Cisco CCNA free online test questions, you can check these test questions and get the certification easily.

6、CCNA R&S考試前的注意事項

眾所周知,網上有很多真題是可以當做為考試的參考的!正所謂“真題不是萬能的,但沒有真題是萬萬不能的”,這種說法自然也是有一定的道理的。為了不浪費那高昂的考試費,考前一定要看真題!我當初考CCNA R&S的時候,雖說最新的考題僅有300多道,但我足足看了1000多道題,把但凡能搜到的老題、新題都看了一遍,不是簡單的記答案,而是對每道題都認真分析!對不能理解的,就查資料或請教別人,實在搞不明白的,那才先背答案以應付考試,同時做好標記,留著之後再去請教別人。


7、CCNA R&S考試中的注意事項

1)、CCNA R&S的考試是不允許回頭再做前面沒做的題目的,所以在點擊“NEXT”按鈕的時候千萬注意不要連續點擊,連續點擊或者點擊速度較快,說不定就會直接跳到下下題了!

2)、實驗題配置完成後一定要copy run start,否則會被扣一部分。接下來配置路由器的時候要切換到圖形界面,然後點擊和那台路由器通過配置線相連的計算機,進入對應路由器的配置模式,配置好路由器後同樣要copy run start,所有的路由器都配置完後,點擊“next”繼續。


4)、如果在考試中出現了死機或其他意外事件,建議馬上和考場的工作人員取得聯繫並交給他們處理。一般情況下,計算機重啟後,之前完成的考題都是會被記錄的。因為CCNA R&S的考試時間一般來說都是比較充足的,所以不用太擔心。但如果發生的意外事件浪費了很多時間,以至於影響了你的考試的,那麼就可以和考場協商處理:是另外重新安排考試時間還是怎麼樣。

8、CCNA R&S認證證書的有效期

CCNA認證證書的有效期為3年。 3年之後需要參加再認證,如果在這3年時間內你又考取了更高級別的Cisco認證,比如說參加了任何一科CCNP、CCDP、CCIP、CCSP或者CCIE的考試,那麼CCNA認證的有效期也會自動更新。如果需要重新認證,必須通過現有的CCNA考試,或者通過現有的CCIE筆試。

最後說一句:CCNA R&S需要學習的課程並不是很多,考試的難度自然也不會很大。考試的時候多注意一些細節問題,CCNA的考取,還是比較簡單的。


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