200-105丨學習CCNA Routing and Switching 200-105 ICND2有什麼好處?

七月 5, 2019 by
Filed under: killtest 

200-105丨學習CCNA Routing and Switching 200-105 ICND2有什麼好處?

隨著很多的企業都在向基於控制器的架構遷移,核心網絡工程師所需的角色和技能也隨之在不斷發展,並且變得越來越重要。為了準備進行這種網絡轉換,CCNA路由和交換認證不僅可以讓您掌握基礎的技術知識,還可以確保您保持與採用下一代技術所需的技能集相關。那麼具體來說,如果我們學習了CCNA Routing and Switching的相關技術,我們將得到哪些好處?



2、獲得的CCNA Routing and Switching證書將是您職業生涯的基礎


3、CCNA R&S認證將幫助您獲得更多的職業選擇

通過CCNA路由和交換認證,您的IT職業道路會變的十分廣闊,具有無限的可能。 IDC發現,70%的組織會在招聘或推廣時尋找認證。通過思科,您可以沿著路由和交換軌道不斷深入學習,逐步獲得更高的認證等級。或者,您可以將核心技能應用於雲、協作、數據中心、網絡可編程性、無線或安全等技術上。

所以,就單單從這個現實角度來說,考取CCNA R&S認證對您以後的職業生涯也是有著巨大的幫助和引導作用的。至於如何才能最穩妥地通過CCNA R&S認證考試?我只推薦Killtest,他們的考試轉儲是目前業內最具真實性、可靠性、權威性和時效性的,借助於Killtest考試轉儲的幫助而最終通過的CCNA R&S認證考試的考生不僅數量龐大,而且通過率為100%! “對每一個購買了我們的考試轉儲的考生負責到底”Killtest始終堅守的承諾。

4、獲取思科CCNA R&S認證將為數字時代的網絡演進做好準備


5、CCNA R&S認證為您提供全面的培訓選擇

不管是思科還是通過思科授權學習的合作夥伴,都會為您提供一整套靈活的培訓選項,使您更輕鬆地獲得CCNA路由和交換認證。您需要的就是用心去學習即可!如果再加Killtest的考試轉儲在CCNA R&S的認證考試上起到的幫助,學習和考證將會更加順利。

6、CCNA R&S認證有助於提高我們的待遇

IT網絡工作的薪酬持續激增,折射出了全球IT人才短缺的現狀。您的思科認證可以提高您的收入潛力。在2018年的技術薪資指南中,Robert Half Technology將CCNA路由和交換認證列為北美最受歡迎的認證之一,並補充說雇主可以將薪水提高5%到10%,以證明這種按需提供的能力。此外,許多組織經常為獲得思科認證的員工提供豐厚的獎勵和認可。

7、CCNA R&S的重新認證更有價值

當您的證書面臨過期,需要重新認證時,您可以認為重新通過CCNA R&S認證之後,您的職業價值將再次得到昇華。這是因為思科持續監控其認證,以確保其符合IT要求。當您用終身學習者的態度並重新認證時,您可以確保您的相關技術能力在工作中始終保持著最好的狀態。

學習CCNA Routing and Switching 200-105 ICND2有什麼好處?以上7點應該足以說明問題了!最後,希望大家都能腳踏實地的去學習CCNA R&S的相關知識,並且能夠在killtest的考試轉儲的幫助下,以高分通過思科的相關認證考試。
Learning CCNA Routing and Switching 200-105 ICND2 What are the benefits?

CCNA routing and switching authentication not only gives you basic technical knowledge, but also ensures that you stay relevant with the skill sets required for adopting next-generation technologies. So specifically, if we learn about CCNA Routing and Switching related technologies, what benefits will we get?

1. You will be certified by the person in charge of the network

Cisco is the first to introduce routing and switching technologies and continues to lead the way with the largest market share and largest installed base in many industries. And the vast majority of Internet traffic today is spread through the network path built by Cisco infrastructure products. Therefore , your Cisco skills will be more marketable and more demanding.

2. The CCNA Routing and Switching certificate obtained will be the basis of your career

Since the CCNA program began, Cisco certification has been recognized by network engineers and employers worldwide. According to IDC’s recent research, Cisco’s skills are one of the most skills included in the recruitment requirements of many companies. In corporate needs that require network technology, Cisco’s skills demand rate reached 97%. This demand is now increasing. Even as technology continues to evolve, Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching Certification provides you with the knowledge and relevant expertise to successfully establish a network.

3. CCNA R&S certification will help you to get more career options

With CCNA Routing and Switching Certification, your IT career path will be very broad, with unlimited possibilities. IDC found that 70% of organizations look for certification when they recruit or promote. With Cisco, you can continue to deepen your learning along the routing and switching path and gradually gain a higher level of authentication. Or, you can apply core skills to technologies such as cloud, collaboration, data center, network programmability, wireless, or security.

4. Get Cisco CCNA R&S Certification to Prepare for Network Evolution in the Digital Age

As business increasingly shifts through digitalization, the network infrastructure is undergoing a fierce change. Recent IDC research shows that network engineers and architects will become one of the most important IT roles in the future. And Cisco has introduced its Digital Network Architecture (DNA) to take full advantage of the power of today’s networks and is dedicated to helping you align with CCNA routing and switching.

5. CCNA R&S certification provides you with comprehensive training options

Whether it is Cisco or a Cisco-authorized partner, it will provide you with a complete set of flexible training options that will make it easier for you to obtain CCNA routing and switching certification. What you need is to study hard!

6. CCNA R&S certification helps to improve our treatment
The salary of IT network work continues to surge, reflecting the current status of the shortage of IT talent in the world. Your Cisco certification can increase your income potential. In the Technical Payroll Guide for 2018, Robert Half Technology listed CCNA routing and switching certif


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